South Downs Photographic

- the photography of Angela Wright & Guy Turner

Angela Borutan-Wright

During my career as Chief Scientific Adviser for an international charity and working closely with the United Nations on biodiversity and global food system issues I took my camera with me on my travels to numerous exciting – and sometimes challenging – locations around the world.

Many of my images reflect those adventures – particularly New York and Nairobi, Kenya – but some are more local, celebrating places closer to home; including some here in beautiful West Sussex.

The places I seek solace. The places that soothe my soul.

Pagham Harbour

As an evolutionary biologist and naturalist I am, unsuprisingly, very inspired by nature: for me photography is about capturing a moment, a mood, a feeling. Capturing the essence of my subjects, whether they be Homo sapiens and their habitat or the myriad of other species – plant, animal or fungi – with whom we share this intricate and interconnected world.

© 2024 South Downs Photographic

Theme by Anders Norén