South Downs Photographic

- the photography of Angela Wright & Guy Turner

My Fuji XT 4: the story continues – by Guy Turner

I’ve now owned the camera for about eight months and am also the proud owner of a Fuji 70-300mm zoom lens and a 1.4x teleconverter!

I’m still very happy with the camera and it’s kit lens: the combination produces some really good images. I’m still ‘learning’ to use the zoom lens… it is easy to fit on the camera, and when unextended is not an overly long or clumsy device but I don’t find using the long focal lengths intuitive, having been almost totally exposed to much shorter zoom lenses. Having said that I’m impressed that it produces fantastic results for relatively close objects such as flowers. I’m also learning to pan with the lens for moving subjects.

Meanwhile, South Downs Photographic had an evening practicing portraiture and the 16-80mm kit lens proved very satisfactory.

The next phase:

  • continue gaining familiarity with the 70-300mm lens and teleconverter
  • Consider investing in a ‘portrait’ lens – either a 35mm or 56mm – but only after more research!

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