South Downs Photographic

- the photography of Angela Wright & Guy Turner

Ken Scott’s SCPF Judging School 2022: Guy and Angela are pupils!

Ken Scott ARPS, APAGB, MBPsS, of Touching the Light photography fame is a photographer, adventurer, speaker and coach from Sussex, England. He is also the Honorary President and Honorary Lifetime Member of Steyning Camera Club.

Ken very generously gives his time to the SCPF and is their judging guru. Every year he runs a judge training course and tonight was Phase 1 of the training!

Guy and I are learning how to judge to SCPF criteria: a challenging mix of helpful feedback and scoring a Club or Societies competition giving scores relative to that set of images to provide a winning image and second and third place images. Sometimes there may be commended and high commended awards to be made too. It’s quite a responsibility and we are both a little bit daunted at this stage.

Roll on Phases 2 and 3! Then – fingers crossed – we’ll be qualified.

Photo credit: Yvette Gorman Photography

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