South Downs Photographic

- the photography of Angela Wright & Guy Turner

Guy & Angela recce Corfe Castle for a Summer Solstice Sunrise snapping venue!

We thought it would be fun to stay up all night to wait and welcome the sun on midsummer morning…

But where? Not somewhere too cliched, and while Corfe Castle is usually a autumnal misty favourite we wondered if it would work for the summer solstice. Armed with a ‘photographing Dorset’ guide and knowing the position of the midsummer sunrise on the horizon in that location we found the perfect spot to see the sun rise between the hills, with the castle in silhouette. Hurrah!

Of course we couldn’t resist taking a few other snaps, and the steam train line runs close. The driver was gesticulating to Guy as he was too close to the line! Made for a good photograph though.

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